搜索 93
NS798 I choose to love my Lord 新歌
NS612 I'm Not of This World Anymore 新歌
NS136 I'm a sinner without one plea 新歌
NS131 I'm gonna praise God unceasingly 新歌
NS313 I'm pressing on the God-man way 新歌
NS618 If We Have an Affectionate Love 新歌
NS843 If We Have the Lord's Presence 新歌
NS163 If you wish to find the Lord 新歌
NS510 Into our care did God entrust 新歌
NS868 It is Jehovah's Lovingkindness (Lam. 3:22-25) 新歌
NS491 Jehovah Bless You and Keep You (1) 新歌
NS963 Jehovah's habitation isn't made with hands 新歌
NS38 Jesus Lord, I long for Your embrace 新歌
NS874 Jesus my Shepherd in tenderness came 新歌
NS764 Looking at You, Lord, You're All I Need 新歌
NS22 Lord Jesus Christ, I do love You 新歌
NS40 Lord Jesus, draw me 新歌
NS661 Lord, My Eyes Are Seeing 新歌
NS385 Lord, Refine My Heart 新歌
LB31 Lord, Your return 新歌
NS740 Lord, with all my heart I love You 新歌
NS151ht Mahimala, kay hiwaga! 新歌
NS99 Mary poured out her love offering 新歌
NS583 Matthew 4:10 新歌
NS221 More of our heart 新歌